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User Agreement

• This Agreement is concluded between you and Zhejiang Silu Rongchuang Cross-Border Trade Co., Ltd., and this Agreement has the effect of a contract.

• Once you confirm this Agreement, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreement and are willing to accept the rights granted by the Agreement and be bound by the Agreement.

In this Agreement, both parties to the Agreement are collectively referred to as the Parties, and Zhejiang Silu Rongchuang Cross-Border Trade Co., Ltd. is also referred to as "Silu" in the Agreement.


I. Agreement Content and Signature

1. This agreement includes the main text and all the rules that Silu has published or may publish in the future. All rules are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the main text. Unless otherwise stated, any services provided by Silu and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as Silu Network Services) are subject to this agreement.

2. You should carefully read the entire agreement before using the Silu Network Services, especially the content in bold. If you have any questions about the agreement, please contact Silu. Regardless of whether you have carefully read the agreement before using the Silu Network Services, the agreement takes effect once you use its services. You should not claim the agreement to be invalid or request to revoke it on the grounds that you did not read the agreement or did not receive answers to your inquiries.

3. You promise to accept and abide by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with the terms, you should immediately stop the registration process or stop using the Silu Network Services.

4. Silu has the right to formulate and amend the agreement and/or various rules from time to time as needed, and to announce them by publicizing on the website without separate notification. Once the revised agreement and rules are posted on its website, they shall take effect immediately. If you do not agree with the changes, you should immediately stop using the Silu Network Services. Your continued use of the services indicates your acceptance of the revised agreement.

II. Registration

1. Qualifications of the Registrant

You confirm that upon completion of the registration process or actual use of the Silu Network Services in other ways permitted by Silu, you shall be a natural person, legal entity, or other organization with full civil rights capacity and full civil conduct capacity. If you do not possess the aforementioned qualifications, you and your guardian shall bear all consequences arising therefrom, and Silu has the right to cancel (permanently freeze) your Silu account and seek compensation from you and your guardian.

2. Account

Upon signing this Agreement and completion of the Silu membership registration process or actual use of the Silu Network Services in other ways permitted by Silu, you will be provided with a uniquely numbered Silu account (hereinafter also referred to as the account). You may set a username and password for the account and log in to the Silu website (www.silutrade.com) through that username and password or other usernames and passwords associated with it. The username you set must not infringe upon or be suspected of infringing upon the legal rights and interests of others. After your account is established, you must use your username and password to log in to the Silu website within the next 90 days. If you fail to log in after the deadline, Silu has the right to terminate the provision of the Silu Network Services to you and cancel your account. After the account is canceled, the corresponding username will be open for registration and use by any user.

You are responsible for the security of your account (username) and password, as well as for the actions taken through your account (username) and password. Unless otherwise provided by law or judicial decision, and with the consent of Silu, the account (username) and password shall not be transferred, gifted, or inherited in any way (except for property rights and interests associated with the account). If you find that anyone is improperly using your account or there is any other situation that may endanger the security of your account, you should immediately notify Silu in an effective manner and request Silu to suspend the relevant services. You understand that Silu needs a reasonable amount of time to take action on your request, and Silu is not responsible for any consequences (including but not limited to any losses of yours) that have arisen before taking action.

For the convenience of using the Silu Network Services and the services of Silu's affiliated companies or other organizations (hereinafter referred to as other services), you shall authorize Silu to transfer the information you provide and generate during the registration and use of the Silu Network Services to the Silu affiliated companies or other organizations that provide you with other services, or to obtain the information you provide and generate during the registration and use of other services from the Silu affiliated companies or other organizations.

3. Membership

Upon your completion of the registration process as prompted on the registration page, reading and agreeing to this Agreement, or using the Silu Network Services in any other way permitted by Silu, you become a member of the Silu Network (also referred to as a "Member").

During registration, you must provide accurate information and update it in a timely manner as required by laws and regulations or as prompted on the registration page, to ensure it is truthful, current, complete, and accurate. If there is reasonable suspicion that the information you provided is incorrect, false, outdated, or incomplete, Silu has the right to inquire and/or notify you to correct it, and to directly delete the corresponding information until it suspends or terminates the provision of part or all of the Silu Network Services to you. Silu assumes no responsibility for this, and you will bear any direct or indirect expenses incurred as a result.

You must accurately fill in and promptly update the contact information you provide, such as email address, telephone number, contact address, and postal code, to facilitate effective contact with Silu or other members. If you cannot be contacted through these means, you shall bear full responsibility for any losses or additional costs incurred as a result during your use of the Silu Network Services.

Any taxes that arise during your use of the Silu Network Services, as well as all costs related to hardware, software, services, and other aspects, are to be borne solely by you.



III. Silu Network Services

1. Through the Silu Network Services and other services provided by Silu and its affiliated companies, members can post transaction information, inquire about product and service information, reach transaction intentions, conduct transactions, evaluate other members, participate in activities organized by Silu, and use other information services and technical services on the Silu website.

2. In the event of a transaction dispute with another member during the transaction process on the Silu website, once you or the other member, or both parties, submit to Silu for mediation, Silu has the right to make a mediation decision based on its sole judgment. You understand and agree to accept Silu's judgment and mediation decision, which will be legally binding on you.

3. You understand and agree that Silu has the right to provide the necessary information you filled in on the Silu website, such as registration information and transaction records, to government departments (including judicial and administrative departments) as required. If you are suspected of infringing on someone else's intellectual property rights, Silu also has the right to provide your necessary identity information to the rights holder in the case of a preliminary judgment that the suspected infringement exists.


IV. Standards for the Use of Silu Network Services

1. In the process of using the Silu services on the Silu website, you promise to abide by the following commitments:
a) All actions taken during the use of the Silu Network Services shall comply with national laws, regulations, and other normative documents, as well as the provisions and requirements of all rules of the Silu website. They must not violate social public interest or public morals, harm the legitimate rights and interests of others, or violate this agreement and related rules. If you violate the aforementioned commitments and any legal consequences arise, you shall independently bear all legal responsibilities in your own name and ensure that Silu is not subject to any incurred losses.
b) During transactions with other members, you shall adhere to the principles of honesty and sincerity, and you must not engage in unfair competition, disrupt the normal order of online transactions, or engage in activities unrelated to online transactions.
c) You shall not post information about goods or services that are prohibited or restricted by the state (unless you have obtained legal and sufficient permission), goods or services suspected of infringing on the intellectual property rights or other legal rights and interests of others, goods or services that violate social public interest or public morals or that Silu deems unsuitable for sale on the Silu website, or other information suspected of being illegal or in violation of this agreement and various rules.
d) You shall not improperly evaluate other members in a fictitious or distorted manner, or artificially create or increase your own credit score and/or the credit score of other members by improper means;
e) You shall not commercially exploit any data on the Silu website, including but not limited to using the materials displayed on the Silu website in any way such as copying or disseminating without the prior written consent of Silu.
f) You shall not use any device, software, or routine to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the Silu website or any transaction or activity being conducted on the Silu website. You shall not take any action that would result in an unreasonable large data load on the Silu website's network equipment.

2. You understand and agree that:
a) Silu has the right to unilaterally determine whether you have violated the above commitments and to deal with or terminate the service provided to you according to the applicable rules based on the unilateral determination results, without the need to obtain your consent or to notify you in advance.
b) If a legally effective legal document issued by a national administrative or judicial authority confirms that you have illegal or infringing behavior, or if Silu, based on its own judgment, believes that your behavior may violate the terms of this agreement and/or rules or may violate the provisions of laws and regulations, then Silu has the right to publicize your suspected illegal or breach of contract behavior and the measures Silu has taken against you on the Silu website.
c) For information you post on the Silu website that is suspected of being illegal or infringing on the legal rights of others or violating this agreement and/or rules, Silu has the right to delete it without notifying you and to penalize you according to the rules.
d) For actions you take on the Silu website, including actions you have not taken on the Silu website but have already affected the Silu website and its users, Silu has the right to unilaterally determine the nature of your actions and whether they constitute a violation of this agreement and/or rules, and to impose corresponding penalties accordingly. You should keep all evidence related to your actions and bear the adverse consequences of being unable to provide sufficient evidence.
e) For any damage caused to any third party by your suspected breach of commitment, you shall independently bear all legal responsibilities in your own name and ensure that Silu is not subject to any incurred losses or increased costs .
f) If you are suspected of violating relevant laws or the provisions of this agreement, causing any losses to Silu, or being claimed by any third party, or being punished by any administrative management department, you shall compensate Silu for the losses and (or) costs incurred, including reasonable attorney's fees.


V. Special Authorization

You fully understand and irrevocably grant Silu and its affiliated companies the following rights:

1. Once you make any form of commitment to Silu and/or its affiliated companies, and the relevant company has confirmed that you have violated that commitment, Silu has the right to immediately take restrictive measures on your account according to the manner agreed in your commitment or agreement. This includes suspending or terminating the service provided to you, and publicizing the breach of contract confirmed by the relevant company. You understand and agree that Silu does not need to check the facts with you regarding the relevant confirmation, or to obtain your consent separately, and Silu does not need to bear any responsibility for these restrictive measures or publicizing actions.

2. Once you violate this agreement, or the provisions of other agreements signed with Silu, Silu has the right to notify its affiliated companies in any way, requesting them to take restrictive measures on your rights and interests. This includes, but is not limited to, requiring the payment company to pay the funds in your account to the designated recipient by Silu, requesting the affiliated company to suspend or terminate the provision of part or all services to you, and to publicize your breach of contract on any website it operates or actually controls.

3. For the information and data you provide, you grant Silu and its affiliated companies an exclusive, globally applicable, perpetual, and free license to the rights of usage (and the right to re-authorize this right at multiple levels). In addition, Silu and its affiliated companies have the right to (fully or partially) use, copy, revise, rewrite, publish, translate, distribute, perform, and display all your information and data (including but not limited to registration information, transaction behavior data, and all types of information displayed on the Silu website) or to create derivative works, and to incorporate the above information into other works in any form, media, or technology known now or developed in the future.


VI. Scope of Responsibility and Limitation of Liability

1. Silu is responsible for providing the Silu network services to you "as is" and "as available". However, Silu makes no express or implied warranties regarding the Silu network services, including but not limited to the applicability, absence of errors or omissions, continuity, accuracy, reliability, and suitability for a particular purpose of the Silu network services. At the same time, Silu does not make any commitments or guarantees regarding the effectiveness, accuracy, correctness, reliability, quality, stability, completeness, and timeliness of the technology and information involved in the Silu network services.

2. You understand that the information on Silu's website is posted by users themselves and may have risks and flaws. Silu's website only serves as a place for transactions and a trading platform. Silu's website is only a place for you to obtain information about goods or services, to find trade partners, to negotiate transactions of goods and/or services, and to carry out transactions, but Silu cannot control the quality, safety, or legality of the items involved in the transactions, the truthfulness or accuracy of the commercial information, and the ability of the parties to fulfill their obligations in the trade agreement. You should independently judge and determine the authenticity, legality, and validity of the relevant items and/or information, and bear the responsibilities and losses arising therefrom.

3. Unless required by laws and regulations, or in the following situations, Silu is not obligated to review the registration data of all users, product (service) information, transaction behaviors, and other matters related to transactions in advance:
a) Silu has reasonable grounds to believe that a specific member and specific transaction matters may involve significant illegal or breach of contract circumstances.
b) Silu has reasonable grounds to believe that a user's behavior on the Silu network may be illegal or inappropriate.

4. Silu and its affiliated companies have the right to handle disputes arising from transactions between you and other members, and have the right to unilaterally judge the facts related to the dispute and the applicable rules, and then make a decision. This decision is binding on you. If you do not execute the decision within the time limit, Silu and its affiliated companies have the right (but not the obligation) to directly use the funds in your Silu account, or the security deposit you have paid to Silu and its affiliated companies to pay on behalf. You should promptly replenish the security deposit and compensate for the losses of Silu and its affiliated companies, otherwise Silu and its affiliated companies have the right to directly offset your rights and interests under other contracts, and have the right to continue to seeking compensation.

You understand and agree that Silu and its affiliated companies are not judicial authorities, and can only identify evidence as ordinary people. The dispute resolution by Silu and its affiliated companies is completely based on your entrustment, and Silu and its affiliated companies cannot guarantee that the results of the dispute resolution meet your expectations, nor do they bear any responsibility for the conclusions of the dispute resolution. If you suffer losses as a result, you agree to claim compensation from the beneficiary yourself.

5. You understand and agree that Silu is not responsible for any damages for matters including but not limited to profits, goodwill, usage, and data, and other intangible losses (whether or not Silu has been informed of the possibility of such damages), caused by any of the following situations:
a) The use or inability to use the Silu network services.
b) Unauthorized use of your account by a third party or changes to your data.
c) Costs and losses arising from purchasing or obtaining any goods, samples, data, information, or transactions through the Silu network services or alternative actions.
d) Your misunderstanding of the Silu network services.
e) Any other losses related to the Silu network services caused by reasons other than Silu.

6. In no event shall Silu be liable for any failure or delay in service due to normal internet equipment maintenance, internet connection failures, computer, communication, or other system failures, power outages, strikes, labor disputes, riots, uprisings, insurrections, shortages of production or production materials, fires, floods, storms, explosions, wars, government actions, orders from judicial administrative organs, or inaction by third parties.


VII. Termination of Agreement

1. You agree that Silu has the right to unilaterally decide, for any reason and without prior notice, to suspend, terminate the provision of part or all of the Silu network services to you, temporarily freeze or permanently freeze (cancel) your account, and is not required to bear any responsibility to you or any third party for doing so.

2. In the event of the following situations, Silu has the right to terminate this agreement directly by canceling the account:
a) After Silu ceases to provide services to you, you are suspected of registering again as a Silu user directly, indirectly, or in the name of another person.
b) The email address you provided does not exist or cannot receive emails, and there is no other way to contact you, or Silu has notified you through other means to change your email information, and you have not changed it to a valid email within three working days after Si Lu's notice.
c) The main content of your registration information is untrue, inaccurate, untimely, or incomplete.
d) When the agreement (including rules) is changed, you explicitly notify Si Lu that you do not wish to accept the new service agreement.
e) Other situations that Silu deems appropriate to terminate the service.

3. You have the right to request Silu to cancel your account. Upon review and approval, Silu will cancel (permanently freeze) your account, and at that time, your contractual relationship with Silu based on this agreement will be terminated. After your account is canceled (permanently frozen), Silu is not obligated to retain or disclose any information in your account to you, nor is it obligated to forward any information you have not read or sent to you or a third party.

4. You agree that after the termination of your contractual relationship with Silu, Silu still has the following rights:
a) To continue to retain your registration information and all transaction information during your use of the Silu network services.
b) If you have engaged in illegal activities or violated this agreement and/or rules during your use of the Silu network services, Silu can still claim rights against you based on this agreement.

5. After Silu suspends or terminates the provision of Silu network services to you, the transactional behavior before the suspension or termination of services will be handled according to the following principles. You should independently handle and fully bear any disputes, losses, or additional costs arising from the following handling processes, and should ensure that Silu is not subject to any losses or incurs any costs as a result:
a) If you have uploaded items to the Silu network that have not been traded before the suspension or termination of services, Silu has the right to delete the relevant information of such items at the same time as the suspension or termination of services.
b) If you have entered into a sales contract with other members before the suspension or termination of services, but the contract has not been actually performed, Silu has the right to delete the relevant information of the sales contract and the transaction items.
c) If you have entered into a sales contract with other members and have partially fulfilled it before the suspension or termination of services, Silu may not delete the transaction, but Silu has the right to notify your trading counterparty of the relevant circumstances at the same time as the suspension or termination of services.


VIII. Privacy Policy

Silu will publish and periodically revise the privacy policy on the Silu website, and the privacy policy constitutes an effective part of this agreement.


IX. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Other Matters

1. The effectiveness, interpretation, modification, execution, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. In the absence of relevant Chinese laws, general international commercial practices and/or industrial practices shall be referred to.

2. Disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.
